Monday, July 16, 2007

How to select all run time generated Check Box.

How to select all run time generated Check Box.
Server Side Code in C#
//This function will fetch all the controls in the page
//you can make a filter based on control you want using
//"UnderlyingSystemType.Name" property
//Here recursive function used to get into controls inside controls
private void CheckBoxSelection(ControlCollection ctl, bool chkFlg)
CheckBox chkBox;
foreach (Control con in ctl)
if (con.GetType().UnderlyingSystemType.Name == "CheckBox")
chkBox = (CheckBox)Page.FindControl("UserControl").FindControl(con.ID);
chkBox.Checked = chkFlg;
if (con.HasControls())
CheckBoxSelection(con.Controls, chkFlg, chkIsModel);
//Same way you can get the controls value
private void GetSelectedCheckBoxValue(ControlCollection ctl)
ArrayList arrSelectedValue = new ArrayList();
CheckBox chk1;
foreach (Control con in ctl)
if (con.GetType().UnderlyingSystemType.Name == "CheckBox")
chk1 = (CheckBox)Page.FindControl("UserControl").FindControl(con.ID);
if (chk1.Checked)
if (con.HasControls())
Client Side Code in JavaScript supported by IE, Netscape and Mozilla
function CheckBoxSelection(flg)
// This line gives all the "Input" control in a page
var chk = window.document.getElementsByTagName("Input");
for (i =0;i<chk.length;i++)
// based on the ID prefix you can put condition
if (chk[i].id.indexOf("chk") != -1)
if (flg == "false")
chk[i].checked = false;
chk[i].checked = true;
Call Java script function from Code behind
rdoSelectAll.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "CheckBoxSelection('true')");
rdoClearAll.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "CheckBoxSelection('false')");
Note: rdoSelectAll and rdoClearAll is radio button controls
Generate runtime Check Box controls
private void GenerateModelTable(string[] modelNames)
Table tblModel = new Table();
for (int count = 0; count < modelNames.Length; count++)
TableRow trModel = new TableRow();
TableCell tcChkModel = new TableCell();
TableCell tcModel = new TableCell();
CheckBox chkModel = new CheckBox();
chkModel.ID = "chk" + "_" + modelNames[count];
tcModel.Text = modelNames[count];

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