Monday, February 23, 2009

How to do secure encryption and decryption using DOTNET code

How to do secure encryption and decryption using DOTNET code


Following code will give you the way to do key based encryption and decryption, this code using Dotnet Cryptography class and I have tested following code with Dotnet framwork 2.0 and window XP.




Imports System.Security.Cryptography


Global Variable


'Blow will be the Key to do Encryption and Decryption

Private Shared TheKey() As Byte = {&H12, &H34, &H56, &H78, &H9A, &HBC, &HDE, &HFF}

Private Shared Vector() As Byte = {&H11, &H22, &H33, &H44, &H55, &H66, &H77, &H88}




Public Shared Function GetEncryptedData(ByVal message As String) As String


Dim desServiceProvider As New DESCryptoServiceProvider

Dim memoryStream As New MemoryStream

Dim in_buf(), out_buf() As Byte


'Check for empty string

If message = String.Empty Then

    Return String.Empty

End If


' put the cleartext into the input buffer

in_buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message)



'create an DES Encryptor output stream

Dim crStream As New CryptoStream(memoryStream, desServiceProvider.CreateEncryptor(TheKey, Vector), CryptoStreamMode.Write)

crStream.Write(in_buf, 0, in_buf.Length)



 ' read the ciphertext into the output array

 out_buf = memoryStream.ToArray




 Catch ex As System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException

     ' if encryption fails,return an empty string

     Return String.Empty

End Try


     Return Convert.ToBase64String(out_buf)


End Function




Public Shared Function GetDecryptedData(ByVal message As String) As String


Dim desServiceProvider As New DESCryptoServiceProvider

Dim memoryStream As New MemoryStream

Dim in_buf(), out_buf() As Byte


'Check for empty string

If message = String.Empty Then

Return String.Empty

End If


' put the ciphertext into the input buffer


   in_buf = Convert.FromBase64String(message)

   Catch ex As System.FormatException

   ' if the string isn't in the correct format,

 then return empty string

Return Return String.Empty

End Try



  ' Create an DES Decryptor stream

Dim crStream As New CryptoStream(memoryStream, desServiceProvider.CreateDecryptor(TheKey, Vector), CryptoStreamMode.Write)

crStream.Write(in_buf, 0, in_buf.Length)



' read the cleartext into the output array

out_buf = MemoryStream.ToArray




Catch ex As System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException

  ' if decryption fails, just silently return an empty string

  Return String.Empty

 End Try


   Return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(out_buf)


End Function




If your project requirement is to do simple encryption decryptions then see below link


If you are using Microsoft enterprise library and your project requirement is very specific to use any standard framework to do encryption and decryption then see following link


If you want to encrypt your app.config file the see following link

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